Sunday, June 14, 2015

Bug Camp Day 3 - Metamorphosis

Each day we focused on a different bug.  Today's bug was the butterfly.  The kids enjoyed making tissue paper butterflies at art center and coloring a butterfly grid for the math center.  They also worked on bug cartoon storyboards at the writing center and continued making up puppet shows.

Our story time and snack today was also all about butterflies.

Today we learned that the word metamorphosis means to change into something new.  Insects go through a process of metamorphosis.  We learned about the four stages an insect goes through...egg, larva, pupa, and adult.  The kids had fun putting different insect life cycle sets in the correct order.

At the end of our day, we did an experiment.  We whipped up a batch of "bug bait"--2 mashed up brown bananas, 1 cup of apple juice, and 1/4 cup of sugar.  We "painted" it on a small section of my fence.  The kids made predictions in their journals about which bugs would come and find the bug bait.