Friday, June 12, 2015

Bug Camp Day 2 - A Visit from BYU's Bean Museum!

The highlight of our second day at Bug Camp was a visit from Keith Condie, a member of BYU's Bean Life Science Museum.  His presentation was about classification.

The children sorted pictures of animals into different groups based on their characteristics.  He then taught them about vertebrates (animals with backbones) and invertebrates (animals without backbones).  Bugs are invertebrates.


Part of his presentation included live animals.  The kids got to see 2 vertebrates--a snake and a turtle.  He also brought an invertebrate--a Chilean Rose-Haired Tarantula named Gwen.

Since this is a Bug Camp, Keith was also kind enough to bring his personal insect collection for the kids to see.  

It was a fabulous presentation.  The kids really enjoyed it.  Thank you Keith!