Saturday, June 28, 2008

Bird Camp Day 7

Our science experiment on Tuesday was "Which beak is best?" We used several "beak-like" tools to crack nuts, eat seeds, suck nectar, and scoop Swedish Fish. The experiment helped us understand why birds have different beaks.
Some children have really enjoyed the writing center. They like to write stories and contribute to our class ABC book.

We got out our bird puppets and enjoyed some very entertaining puppetry.
Since we are learning about bird sounds, we decided to have a music center for the kids to experiment with sounds. We even had a few children write their own bird songs!

The bug center was very popular today. The children enjoyed collecting "rolly-pollies" and other bugs birds like to eat.

We were so fortunate to have Jim Biser, an ornithologist, come and teach both classes about identifying birds by sound. He taught them how to listen for robins, magpies, starlings, and other birds common to our area.