We do bird shares each morning at large group. A volunteer is chosen to create a poster or small report about a specific bird and share it with the class. In this picture, John is teaching us about his pet chickens.
Our speaker from the Bean Museum brought several stuffed birds including a hummingbird, Great-Horned Owl, and Kingfisher. We learned several cool bird facts. Did you know a hummingbird can flap their wings 20-80 times a second?!
Merrill Webb, the president of the Utah Country Birders Association, spoke to the afternoon class. He showed the class two stuffed owls: a Northern Saw-Whet and a Barn Owl. He taught the class that there are 3 things birdwatchers need... a field guide, binoculars, and a friend! The kids really enjoyed looked through his high-powered binoculars and spyscope.
During the afternoon session, some of our older students enjoyed figuring out where different species of birds live and then placed them on the map.