******* WEATHER CAMP IS FULL FOR 2017 *******
Weather Camp will be held June 26th-30th.
The cost of this year's camp is $35 per student.
This summer we will study the wild, wonderful world of weather! Each day of camp will be themed as a different season. Monday will be Spring, and we'll learn about the water cycle and rain. Tuesday will be summer, and we'll discover interesting facts about heat and why we often have thunderstorms in the summer. On Wednesday, Fall day, we will learn about wind and how it changes our weather. Winter day will be on Thursday and we will learn all about snow and ice. Friday will be our culminating day where we will review and celebrate all that we have learned!
All students that participate in this year's camp will get to keep several small instruments that will help them set-up their own weather station at home.
Feel free to email me with any questions! See you in June!