Friday, August 5, 2016

Owl Camp 2016!!

We just finished three incredible days of Owl Camp!  On day one we learned about some of the unique features and behaviors of owls.  On day two we dissected owl pellets.  And on day three we watched a bird show by Eric McGill of Earthwings.  He brought four birds of prey including a Barn Owl named Summit and a Eurasian Eagle Owl named Pumpkin.

...Here are some pictures to show you what an awesome time we had.  Thank you for sending your kids!

Friday, May 20, 2016

Owl Camp

This summer I am offering one mini-camp from August 1-3.  We will be studying owls!  Here is a brief description:

OWL CAMP - Discover all about this fascinating bird of prey!  From owl senses to owl anatomy, the children will learn what makes this nocturnal bird unique.  We will dissect owl pellets and interact with live owls.  Students will become familiar with different owl species.  The highlight of this camp will be a guest speaker from the organization Earthwings, (